Blood Pressure Calculator / Chart by Age & Height

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Hello, friend how are you. Are you suffering from blood pressure, so you are in the right place here we are providing the Blood Pressure Range Chart to see what your blood pressure mean. This chart is suitable for every age of people whether he or she is a child, young and old. Take a print of our chart that helps you to figure out if your blood pressure is at a healthy level or not and then you should consult with a doctor quickly. The chart available in this site are free you don’t need to spend bucks.

Blood Pressure Chart

The Blood Pressure Reading Chart has two number the top number is known as systolic blood pressure, and the bottom one is known as diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the highest pressure in which the heart beats and pushes the blood around your body. Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes between the beats. You know high pressure is very critical sometimes it leads to death so print our chart and control your high blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Calculator

Blood Pressure Chart by Age and Height
Blood Pressure Chart by Age
Blood Pressure Chart for Men

Blood pressure can harm your health, most of the people are not aware of their blood pressure, and suddenly they got death. Be careful to take our Blood Pressure Chart For Men and visit the hospital every week to check the level of blood pressure. You know normal blood pressure is reading under 120/80 mmHg, and it goes up to 139/89 mmHg then it will be considered as usual to the high- range. Demonstrate your reading of blood pressure to doctor and asked him to give an ideal blood pressure on your circumstances.

Blood Pressure Calculator

Always keep medicine along with you if you are patient of blood pressure, you know sometimes blood pressure exceed to 180/120mmHg in that circumstances most probably chances of chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, change in vision and difficulty in speaking. There may exercise through it; you can lower your blood pressure; these are medication, diet, exercise, and weight loss. The problem of blood pressure is always seen common in people who are age 65 or above if any member in your family suffering from the blood then prints our High Blood Pressure Chart.

Blood Pressure Chart for Women Blood Pressure Chart Printable Blood Pressure Range Chart High Blood Pressure Chart

Blood pressure is not constant from dawn to dusk, and its fluctuate according to our body work for example when we are sleeping that time our blood pressure is low, and when we do some work or moving one place to another, then chances of blood pressure is up. Apart from physical action there is some mental mention lead to blood pressure for instance when you are in the state of excitement and nervousness.

In the absence of a doctor or if the hospital is far from home in such circumstance you can measure your blood pressure at home by a digital pressure device. You know in the technology era everything can be done at home, but it is not enough to consult doctors is essential. The best time for measurement of blood pressure is when you are at rest.

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